B.1: FEFCR first demonstration pilot application to different footwear styles produced in EU
5 life cycle analyses of representative shoe types plus variant models
Recommendations to reduce the environmental footprint (version 1)
B.2: Innovative sustainable green shoes and components eco-design, recycling and manufacturing
Eco-design methodology for low Footwear Environmental Footprint (FEF) and sustainability (version 1)
Eco-design guide for Footwear Industry
Identification & selection of plastic and thermoset materials wastes and pre-treatment process
Thermoset and thermoplastic recycled materials and components (first version)
B.3: FEFCR second demonstration pilot application to different footwear styles produced in EU & Recommendations for FEFCR improvement and implementation
FEFCR second demonstration pilot application to footwear
Recomendations for FEFCR.
B.4: Strategy to ensure sustainability, replicability and transferability
Market Analysis
Consumer’s and company’s surveys: “Are you a Green consumer?” & Is your company producing green goods in an eco-friendly way?”
Risk analysis
C.1: Monitoring the quality and impact of the project actions
Quality assurance plan
Performance indicators monitoring
Update of the LIFE KPI Webtool
D.1: Project dissemination planning and execution
Project corporate image and website
Dissemination material (e.g., notice boards, rollups, templates)
Publication in international magazines
Publications in newsletters
Participation in trade fairs
Participation in conferences
Dissemination in social networks
Identification of stakeholders and networking
E.1: Project management & After LIFE Plan
Project management
Definition of the green procurement principles that will be applied by all the partners